Saturday, December 8, 2012

How to Earn From Building a List

The thing is that to make money on the internet you need information. Right? So where are you going to get this information. On the internet, of course.

You do not need to go too far to find plenty of schemes to help you on your journey to achieve wealth. But, which ones will work for you and which ones won't? Perhaps you will buy the schemes that seem most plausible to you.

After trying a few, spending your money and not making any significant income, you may, like many others, think that there has to be a better way.

Well, instead of searching and hoping that you will hit pay dirt you could go on a different tack. Every self-help book that you have ever read has it writ large. It says that if you want what the successful guy has, you have to do what the successful guy does. It's pretty obvious. Right?

So what does the successful guy do? Well first of all he doesn't go buying up all the products that he can find on the internet. Instead he has his own product that he sells on the internet. Although you may not have your own product initially, you must still have something to offer. In the first instance it may not be unique. Perhaps you can make an offer as an affiliate for someone else. It doesn't matter. You must move from being a consumer to being a provider.

You will need a website to make an offer. A good move is to create a dynamic report that has lots of good content and offer it for free. You can place a sign-up form on your site; customers fill it out, and click send. Or, have a pop-up appear when a person enters you site, they just complete the form. Your auto responder sends a thank you at once and you have a name and address added to your mailing list.

The mailing list is now your prospect list and you can let them know of any and all products or affiliate offers that have or can find. You may wish to use some software that can temporarily remove purchasers from your list whilst you resend for any particular offer.

You may be a one man band but you must do exactly what the big boys do. You must be sending good quality stuff, because you want your customers to trust you! Build relationships with those valuable people on your mailing list. Send updates on projects that you are doing; include customers in special incentives, and offers. The people on your list will come to value you and the products or services that you recommend.

How to Become Self - Employed - 3 Critical Pieces to Creating Online Wealth - Fire Your Boss!   Article Writing Secrets - Revealed: Learn How to Make a Successful Squeeze Page   How Your Website Can Get More Conversions   Build That List   

Futuristic Marketing: Will We Be Marketing on Mars?

Do you ever wonder what marketing will be like in the future? Will Mars, UFOs, aliens, robots, and the Mayan calendar be relevant?

When you sit down and think about content marketing, it can be delivered in one of three methods: audio, video, and copy. The difference is in the quality and efficiency of the content. Is the target audience being reached? Is it aesthetically pleasing? Is the sound crystal clear? How much growth is left for technology in the world of internet marketing? Has the internet flat-lined in that regard?

Social media marketing itself is not rocket science. There are basic networking principles that have to be applied. The marketer simply has to do more marketing than selling. Yes, the goal is to make sales. But the customers don't want to be sold to. They want to feel like they are choosing to buy. It is actually quite easy to forget these fundamentals.

Every other new social networking site is practically the same. The interface may be different along with the style. Themes may vary and each platform has their own unique culture. But ultimately it all seems to be information through words, video, audio, and images. The engagement factor varies on each site

Forum marketing, article marketing, and video marketing are more specific in their social styles. But the ABC rules apply. ABC means Always Be Cool. This does not mean to wear a leather jacket, smoke a Cuban cigar, and ride your Harley with a pretty lady holding on to you. Although, that is very cool. It just means to be you. Do not force your product, service, or company onto people's computer screen. ABC means to be sociable and friendly. Bring value to your audience. That is how your audience grows. Strive to stand above the rest by being interactive. Find different ways to entertain, educate, inform, and empower.

Do not worry about catching the next wave. With that said, you should try to make a conscience effort to stay up to date with the most current changes and advancements in technology and your field. You can do this while building your list, cultivating relationships, and improving the quality of your products, services, and brand. Remember the old saying, "If you build it, they will come." Just make sure you build it with a strong foundation. You should not be wasteful of your concentration when building your business. The saying, "Slow and steady wins the race" is very relevant to building your business online. Just take it one step at a time and you will be fine.

How to Become Self - Employed - 3 Critical Pieces to Creating Online Wealth - Fire Your Boss!   Four Building Blocks of a High Converting Squeeze Page   An Email List Building Key: Creating A High Converting Squeeze Page   How to Improve the Trust of Your List and Double Your Profits   

Practical Content Creation: How Well Do You Know Your Market?

Let"s say a fisherman went out to fish in the Pacific Ocean. Before going, he made the biggest, sophisticated net there was during his time. He learned all of the fishing tips and techniques available. He felt confident about what he was going to accomplish. He said good-bye to his friends and family before embarking upon his adventure. He knew what to do when he got to the Pacific Ocean... which was, to cast his net. He also knew the Pacific Ocean had all kinds of fish. Just the thought of casting his net in such a large body of water gave him great excitement.

At last he was in his ship and on the Pacific Ocean. He reached the spot suggested in his fishing courses; but he decided to go further for a bigger catch. He took a deep breath, thought about all he went through to get here. He cast his net! This was the moment for which he had longed and worked so hard.

He felt the weight of the net. He drew up the net carefully. How many fish could there be, he wondered. Just the joy of having caught so many fish on his first trip kept him going. He pulled and pulled. The task of drawing up the net into the ship was tedious.

He pulled with all his might and at last he got his net out of water. He dumped all of his catch on the floor. First, he was in awe of what he saw... He had caught so many different kinds of fish and other sea creatures. Then disappointment began to set in. Some of his catch seemed strange... he did not know what to do with them. How could he separate his catch? Which ones could he throw back into the ocean? This, he thought, would take so much time and energy. What could he do?

What would you do?

Target Market, as defined by is a specific group of customers which you have identified who have needs or problems which your products or services can fulfill.

Identifying a target market is a critical component to the formula of your success as a coach or business owner. Many opportunities open up for you with a target market.

Here are just few of the benefits of having a target market:

You know what your target market needs and wants to solve. You become known and recognized in that specific market. You know where to find them. You know who they are and how you can serve them. You are seen as an expert. You can write directly to them.

Three Ways to Identify a Viable Market

1. Identify a market based on who you are, your experiences, and your expertise.

2. Identify a market that you're surrounded by-- Do you have exposure to many contacts in a specific industry? Or did you grow up surrounded by restaurant owners/managers, or people in politics, medicine, sports or other markets?

3. Identify your market arbitrarily. You do not need to be an expert in a particular market before serving them. Identifying a viable market you know little or nothing about should make you want to know more about that market; and in your efforts to learn more, you build and develop a strong rapport with this market.

What Makes a Market Viable: Three types of questions to Help You Find Out

1. Are the people in this market accessible? Can they be found in groups? Are there several ways through which I can get in front of a large number of them? Are there avenues available to access them?

2. How about the size? Is it narrow enough that I can stand out in the crowd and be able to connect with them regularly?

3. How about their purchasing power and desire? Is this market motivated to invest in their desired solution? Are the people in this market seekers who will invest in their personal and professional development?

Six Categories of Potential Viable Markets

Professional Markets (Life Coaches, Financial Planners, Lawyers, etc.) Small Business Markets (Speakers, Web Designers, Home-based Business Owners, etc.) Holistic Practitioner Markets (Massage Therapists, Chiropractor, Herbalists, etc.) Entertainment Professional Markets (Producers, Directors, Talent Agents, etc.) Position Markets (CEOs, HR Managers, Call Center Managers, etc.) Your own... Do your research and come up with your own potential viable market.

Action Plan

Ask yourself these questions as you identify your target market... write down your answers.

1. Who is my market?

2. What do they value? Are they men or women? How old are they? What are their demographics? What experiences have they had or are having? What do they do for a living? What gifts and talents do they have?

3. What attracts me to this market?

4. What knowledge and expertise do I bring to this market?

5. What do I need in order to serve this market?

How to Become Self - Employed - 3 Critical Pieces to Creating Online Wealth - Fire Your Boss!   Four Building Blocks of a High Converting Squeeze Page   List Building Tips - Product Reviews   List Segmentation Strategies   

Powerful Ideas For Developing An Effective Email Marketing List

There are a lot of various ways to promote a business on the Internet, it has been a growing trend for individuals to use an email marketing list. This turns out to be a very effective method because only people already interested in your product or service get your emails. If you are interested in developing an email list that will make you money continue reading this article for some effective tips.

The Subscription Form

It can't be over stated, your subscription form should be professional looking and easy to access. Many individuals skip this important tip. You should keep in mind that people will see a form but can be hesitant to fill it out. If the form is enticing or appealing enough people will be interested. Make sure your opt-in form stands out on your web page, also be sure it is easy to find.

Putting your subscription form in the most effective places is very important. Having it at the very top of your web page can make it seem as though you are being over-anxious, to low on the page and you will never get subscribers because no one will be able to find your form. One good tip is to put your form In multiple places on the front page. Your readers will get multiple chances to see your form so that filling it out stays fresh in their minds.

Use Social Media Networks

Have you taken advantage of the social media networks, they are exploding all over the Internet. It is a good idea if you haven't already done it, is to set up your profile at as many of the social networking sites as possible. They are the perfect opportunity to let individuals know that you would like them to join your email list. This is just another avenue of getting people to notice what you want them to do and to get involved.

You have to remember that once you begin to email people give them something of value some information they can use, don't send useless irrelevant content. While giving your readers good advice and good news is good what is better is delivering information that they won't find anywhere else. Show your email list subscribers that they are appreciated by giving them special reports, e-books or relevant newsletter.

Promote Offline

There are ways to promote offline as well it can be very effective if done correctly. Get permission from someone at your local library to put your information on their bulletin board. Putting an ad in the local newspaper is also an effective way of letting people know what you are promoting. These are only two of the many places where you can use offline marketing effectively.

If you are one of the many individuals who want to get an email marketing list started the tips above are an excellent place to get started. By putting the above information into use immediately you can increase your business earnings potential. You should keep in mind that building a email list takes time so your patience will be needed, but don't give up. before you know it your list will be providing you with extraordinary financial benefits.

How to Become Self - Employed - 3 Critical Pieces to Creating Online Wealth - Fire Your Boss!   Four Building Blocks of a High Converting Squeeze Page   The Dos and Don'ts for a Successful Ad Swap   List Building Tips - Product Reviews   List Segmentation Strategies   Article Writing Secrets - Revealed: Learn How to Make a Successful Squeeze Page   

List Building Tips - Social Sites

In this installment of List Building Tips, I'm going to discuss social sites. Unless you've been living in a cave, you've become a member of at least one of these. After reading this article, you're going to know how to take advantage of them in order to build your list WITHOUT getting people all ticked off.

I hope you paid careful attention to that last line because it's very important. When you're dealing with social sites like Facebook, Twitter and even YouTube, you're getting into an area where you have direct contact with the people using that same media. Well, as direct as possible online. Certainly it's more personal than putting up a squeeze page that some random prospect lands on.

With social media, you have to be VERY careful. You're building a more intimate relationship. At least I hope you are. So let's begin with that.

Unlike that squeeze pages where you're just trying to get some targeted traffic to sign up with your list, with social media you're looking to build actual relationships even BEFORE these people get onto your list.

For example, let's say your interest is music. You're going to invite people to your Facebook or Twitter page who are interested in music. You're then going to discuss the topic at hand. The conversations are going to be casual and friendly. In essence, you're making friends. It is important that you understand this.

After the relationship has solidified itself somewhat, you can then start to "recommend" things to these friends. Maybe you'll recommend a video for them to watch or a CD to purchase. It doesn't have to be anything that is personally yours. In fact, at the beginning, it's a good idea to recommend OTHER people's things. This way you don't come off as a salesperson.

As the relationship grows, you can start recommending things that are more your own, including your list. Let's say you have a list that notifies people of the latest music releases. You can let your Facebook followers know about it. Anybody interested in what you have to share will probably join your list. After all, you've already earned their trust by being a good friend.

From there, as long as you are professional about it and make it clear up front that you could be recommending musical related items that they could purchase, you can send little promotions to your list. Maybe you really liked the latest CD by XYZ band. You can send them your review of it with an Amazon link at the end of it.

The key to making this whole process work is to build a relationship FIRST. Let these people get to know you. Let them see that you're not just trying to sell them stuff. Remember, this is a relationship FIRST and an opportunity to build a list SECOND.

If you do that, building a list off of social media can be very rewarding and profitable at the same time.

And who knows? You just might make some really neat friends in the process.

To YOUR Success,

Steven Wagenheim

How to Become Self - Employed - 3 Critical Pieces to Creating Online Wealth - Fire Your Boss!   Four Building Blocks of a High Converting Squeeze Page   An Email List Building Key: Creating A High Converting Squeeze Page   How to Improve the Trust of Your List and Double Your Profits   

What You Need to Know About Directory Submission?

Directory submission services have helped many online investors to make their presence felt around the world. The ultimate aim of this service is to attract as many visitors as possible to a particular website. This is what internet experts prefer to call traffic build up. With the best directory expert, you will be able to draw enough traffic to your site, which you can later transform into regular clientele. Building enough traffic in your website will also earn you better search engine rankings. But how do you go about this? Well, you only need to understand what link building or directory submission is.

This process is important to every website owner mainly because it does not demand a lot of financial sacrifices. It is the best, affordable and convenient SEO option. It comes with numerous opportunities of promoting your business on the internet. Certainly, this process is one of the essential factors to bear in mind whenever you are developing your online marketing strategies for your company. Notable also is the fact that there have emerged a lot of individuals and firms that claim to offer this service. The problem with this is that it is very hard for website owners to choose the right profile link builders. Nonetheless, there are a couple of important benefits that you will get when you hire these services.

Benefits of Link Building or Directory Submission

For starters, this type of submission is the commonly used method of creating back-links. You can build as many connections as possible using this service. These connections are important because they allow you to reach out to the largest number of consumers cost effectively. A website without links experiences a lot of difficulties while trying to reach out to its target audience. The following are some of the possible benefits of using this approach.

Enough back-links: The main aim of using this SEO approach is to develop more connections for your website. More links means more traffic in your site, which can easily be translated to more sales. You need to make more internet users aware of your products or services by making your website easily accessible. Search engine rankings: Many website owners know that search engine rankings matter a lot to their businesses especially now that more websites have continued to emerge. Always aim at putting your site on top of the rest because by doing so you will be drawing more traffic, which has a potential of becoming your regular consumer. Remember, online shoppers are only interested in sites that are well established and easily accessible. Therefore, make sure that your e-commerce site is readily available to the online community. How to Become Self - Employed - 3 Critical Pieces to Creating Online Wealth - Fire Your Boss!   Four Building Blocks of a High Converting Squeeze Page   The Dos and Don'ts for a Successful Ad Swap   Build That List   

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